- Levine, Iris and Bekerman R. Sharing Behavior in Young Children (1977)
- Bekerman-Greenberg On the Boundary between Supervision and Psychotherapy- Paper presented at the Spring Meetings of the APA in Toronto April 2007
- Bekerman-Greenberg, R. Breaking the Silence: Play Eldridge Musicals and Plays Publishings 2013
- Bekerman-Greeenberg, R- Producer “I am Carrying the Holocaust in my Pocket”- Video documentary–Interviews with four granddaughters of Holocaust Survivors- Presented at the 2013 Spring meeting of theAPA in Santa Fe
- Bekerman-Greenberg, R 2015-2016 A series of 12 articles in psychology At Y-Net (in Hebrew) on topics such as” Depression, narcissism, psychopathic personality, intimacy, mother-daughter relationship, Transference, and more.
- Bekerman-Greenberg, R. The Punctual Patient- The New York Times 2017
- Bekerman-Greenberg, R. Psychodynamic Group Therapy with Granddaughters of Holocaust Survivors
- Bekerman-Greenberg, R. How An Italian Villa Gave Holocaust Survivors Renewed Joy In Life. The Forward, August 1, 2018.